AIIMS, नई दिल्ली विभिन्न रिक्ति ऑनलाइन फॉर्म 2020
पोस्ट की तारीख: 17-02-2020
नवीनतम अपडेट: 20-02-2020
कुल रिक्ति: 430
संक्षिप्त जानकारी: अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान (एम्स), नई दिल्ली ने साइंटिस्ट, बायोकेमिस्ट, मेडिकल फिजिसिस्ट, स्टोर कीपर, तकनीशियन, मेडिकल लेबोरेटरी टेक्नोलॉजिस्ट रिक्तियों की भर्ती के लिए एक अधिसूचना दी है। वे उम्मीदवार जो रिक्ति विवरण में रुचि रखते हैं और सभी पात्रता मानदंडों को पूरा करते हैं, वे अधिसूचना और ऑनलाइन आवेदन पढ़ सकते हैं।
Application Fee
- For General/ OBC Candidates: Rs. 1500/-
- For SC/ ST/ EWS: Rs. 1200/-
- For PWD Candidates: Nil
- Payment Mode: Debit Card/ Credit Card/ Net Banking
- Starting Date to Apply Online: 12-02-2020
- Last Date to Apply Online: 12-03-2020 up to 5:00 P.M
- Last Date to Apply Online for Scientist-II: 19-03-2020 till 5.00 PM
Sl.No.Post NameTotalAge LimitQualification
Group A1 Scientist-II2645 YearsPh.D (Relevant Disciplines)2Biochemist0430 YearsMaster Degree
(Biochemistry)3Medical Physicist0735 YearsPG (Relevant Disciplines)4Medical Physicist
(Department of Nuclear Medicine)01M. Sc. (Nuclear Medicine Technology)
Group B 5Store Keeper (General)0625 YearsDegree/ PG (Relevant Disciplines)6Store Keeper (Drugs)13Degree (Pharmacy)7Programmer1030 YearsBE/ B.Tech or PG8Technician (Radiology)24B.Sc. (Hons.) or B.Sc (Radiography)9Jr. Engineer (Civil)06Diploma (Civil Engg)10Jr. Engineer (Electrical)03Diploma (Electrical Engg)11Jr. Engineer (A/C & Ref.)04Diploma (Mechanical Engg)12Medical Laboratory Technologist110BMLT13Junior Hindi Translator Level-6 in the Pay Matrix02Masters degree & Diploma/ certificate course14Medical Social Service Officer Gd. II05Master Degree (Social Work)15Life Guard0145 YearsMatriculation or equivalent
Group C 16Operation Theater Assistant15030 years. Sc or 10+2 with Science17Nuclear Medical Technologist03B.Sc (relevant disciplines)18Pharmacist Gd.II08D.Pharm19Stenographer4027 YearsMatriculation or 12th Class pass or equivalent20Assistant Warden0230 YearsDegree, Certificate / Diploma21Sanitary Inspector Gd.II0510+2
Interested Candidates Can Read the Full Notification Before Apply Online
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